Ark of Taste

Ark of Taste is a catalogue of small-scale quality products threatened by industrial agriculture, environmental degradation and homogenization

Slow Food Ludlow Marches actively proposes and promotes local food products for the Ark of Taste. These are either at imminent or potential risk of extinction and would otherwise be lost to our culinary repertoire, such as unusual varieties of fruits, vegetables, rare animal breeds, artisan cheeses and traditional recipes.

The Ark of Taste highlights the need to preserve the edible biodiversity of our planet. In the UK we invite nominations for British food products to raise awareness and protect our food heritage, so that they may be rediscovered and returned to the market.

As it is often easier to find food from across the world than something produced on our doorstop, we are in danger of losing the link between our food, the land and the people who produce it. The international Ark of Taste contains over 2000 products from all over the world.

After being added to the Ark of Taste Slow Food also helps support the producers helping them develop local projects called Presidia.

Slow Food Ludlow Marches has had nominations for the foods below from the area accepted to The Ark of Taste