Three Counties Perry

What are my special features?

Perry is a traditional English drink made from the fermented juice of Perry pears, which are small, bitter fruits with such a high level of astringent tannins that they are almost impossible to eat raw.

The method for producing Perry is the same as that of producing hard cider. The fruit is harvested, milled to a pulp and pressed to extract the juice, which is then fermented. Some Perry undergoes a second in-bottle fermentation to make a sparkling beverage. Real Perry contains no additives, can be dry, medium or sweet in taste and still or sparkling.

The quality can vary from “rough” like scrumpy hard cider to an almost wine-like drink. The flavour of farm-made Perry is variable but retains a distinct pear aroma. The drink is a classic accompaniment to traditional British cheeses such as single and double gloucester, cheshire and lancashire.

What is my history?

Perry has been made in Southern England for centuries and the name “Perry” once referred to all wild pear trees as well as the beverage. It can often take a few decades for trees to produce viable fruits. The ancient Perry orchard with tall and majestic trees is a classic part of the British landscape. Almost all British Perry is produced in the Three-Counties area of Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire and consumed almost exclusively within these regions.

Why am I forgotten?

There are over 100 different varieties of Perry pears, however many varieties only have a few remaining specimens and are in danger of disappearing. In addition to this, the consumption and production of the product is highly localised and Perry is not suited to large-scale production as each Perry batch varies greatly with the mixture of pear varieties used.

Don’t lose me… cook me!